Cllr Linda Nulty began the discussion by outlining the current situation regarding a potential application on land to the north of the Town.
It was stressed that the discussion should be, at this stage, considered as 'in principle' , as no detailed plans were available.
The Community Centre was packed with residents and interested parties who collectively indicated later that they did not want any more housing in Wesham.
"Wesham has had more than its' fair share of housing in the Fylde"
It was reported that a developer was in discussion with Fylde Borough Council concerning land north of Mowbreck Lane. Whilst no specific plans have yet been lodged with Fylde Borough Council, it seems that there is an intention to put an application in to build around 200 houses.
Medlar-with-Wesham Town Council, when they were made aware of the potential planning application being submitted, decided to call a public meeting to give residents an opportunity to express their views.
Many arguments were put forward by the meeting protesting about the potential plans. In a show of hands the vast majority of the audience indicated they would oppose any plans. Nobody spoke in favour of the idea of having even more housing in the Town.
The following comments were a sample of those made:
- "There are already enough houses in the town and that existing developments remained unsold"
- Fears were raised the additional building would put more pressure on roads and schools, and lead to the loss of open space.
- "The by-pass is already really busy at rush hour and parking at the train station is inadequate. I don't think the road tructure or the railway can handle any more commuters"
- "Any building would severely affect the wild life and the biological heritage site in this area".
Reference was also made to the Housing Section in the recently completed Parish Plan which reinforced the views of the residents as indicated in the responses to the questionnaire issued during the year.
A member of Medlar-with-Wesham Town Council, at the conclusion of the meeting said that the views expressed on the night would be taken into consideration when the Town Council prepare their response to any any plans if and when they are submitted.
Any further views may be made to any Medlar-with-Wesham Town Councillor, or via the 'comments' link below.