Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A Happy New Year !

Very Happy New Year
"The Wesham Forum"

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Weshams Best Kept Gardens Competition 2009

The November Wesham Community Pride Trust News poster is currently being distributed. This months issue gives details of the 'Best Kept Gardens Competition 2009 - Awards.

The event was held on November 10th at Wesham Community Centre. A presentation was given on the work of WCPT by the Chairman, Cllr Alan Clayton to a packed room of invited guests.

The prizes for the best kept gardens and certificates to several people, schools and organisations were presented by the Mayor of Wesham Cllr Linda Nulty. The Best Overall certificate and the 'Tom Cawley Trophy' was presented by Trish Cawley to Mrs Jessie Whiteside of Market St Wesham.

Mrs Whiteside was also presented with a certificate by the Mayor of Medlar-with-Wesham, Cllr Mrs Linda Nulty for being judged 1st in the large garden category.

To enlarge the News November 2009 click here or on the picture.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Wesham Honours the Fallen on Remembrance Sunday

Wesham Pays its' Respects

Wesham's Community attended in large numbers at the Remembrance Day Service .Wreaths were layed by the following organisations:-Medlar-with-Wesham Town Council; Fylde Borough Council; St Joseph's Catholic Church; The Armed Forces; Christ Church Wesham;Lancashire Constabulary;St John Ambulance;The Scout Association;The Guide Association;St Joseph's Catholic Primary School; Medlar-with-Wesham C.E Primary School; Wesham and Treales Christ Church Youth Group;Kirkham and Fylde Rural Lions; Mrs Evelyn Ogden, Wesham Community Pride Trust and members of the public.

The Service was officiated by Rev Dr Alan Leeson.
The Remembrance Service has, over the years, increased in numbers attending at the Memorial. For the organisers it was particularly pleasing to see so many young people attending and laying wreaths.
"They shall not grow old, As we that are left grow old,Age shall not weary them,Nor the years condemn,At the going down of the sun,and in the morning, We will remember them"

The Last Post and Reveille was played by Ben Wood from the 2 Rifles Regiment.

A poem was read by the Mayor, Councillor Linda Nulty:-
In Flanders Fields
In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the Crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago We live, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were Loved, and now we lie In Flanders fields.
Take up your quarrel with the foe; To you from failing hands we throw The torch be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields. John Macrae

Friday, November 6, 2009

Disqualification of Wesham Town Councillor

As the result of the disqualification of Medlar-with-Wesham Town Councillor Simon Renwick for failure to attend meetings for six consecutive months the post has now been declared as vacant. The following notice from the Fylde Borough Council Returning Officer has been issued.



That , a casual vacancy has arisen in the Office
of Councillor for the Parish Council.
If by 26th November 2009 (14 days¤ after the date of this notice),
a request for an election to fill the said vacancy is made in
writing to the Returning Officer at the
Town Hall, Lytham St. Annes, Lancashire,
FY8 1LW by TEN electors for the said Parish,
an election will be held to fill the said vacancy, otherwise the vacancy
will be filled by co-option.
If an election is called, it will take place not later than 28th January 2010.

Phillip Woodward
Returning Officer
Dated : 6th November 2009

¤ In computing any period of time for this purpose, a Saturday, Sunday, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day,
Good Friday or bank holiday or day appointed for public thanksgiving or mourning must be disregarded.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Christ Church Wesham Appointment of Priest in Charge

The Churchwardens and PCC of Christ Church Wesham are pleased to announce the appointment of the Reverend Julie Jones as Priest in Charge of the joint benefice of Christ Church Wesham and Christ Church Treales. In addition, Julie is also appointed Mission Enabler for the Kirkham Deanery.

The Licensing of Reverend Julie Jones will be carried out by The Right Reverend Nicholas Reade, Bishop of Blackburn at Christ Church Wesham on Monday 7th December at 7.30 pm. Visiting clergy are invited to robe in the school, refreshments will be available following the service in the Wesham Community Centre.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Wesham History Project

This project is working with Wesham Interact and other community groups to develop an exhibition in the Community Centre in December. If you would like to participate contact or telephone 01253 789054 or 07807 416431.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Incident in the Weeton Road Area

An incident occurred in the Weeton Road/Carr Drive/ Morland Ave area on 7th - 8th October 2009 when a number of car aerials were removed from many vehicles. They have been found and are currently at Kirkham Police Station. Please call in to the Police Station to collect if you notice your car aerial is missing.

Did you hear or see anything unusual or suspicious?

If you have any information, please contact PC 2138 Gary Cross or PCSO 7702 Jacqui Marwick on: Voicemail 01253 607044 or Kirkham Enquiry desk 01253 604733

Your call will be dealt with in complete confidence and the information that you supply may help to reduce crime.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Mowbreck Lane Proposed Development

Medlar with Wesham Town Council are hosting a further 'Public Meeting' to be held in the Community Centre on MONDAY 19th OCTOBER at 7.30pm. The purpose of this meeting is to update residents of the latest situation and try to answer any queries.

The formal 'Notice of Objection' submitted to Fylde Borough Council by Medlar-with-Wesham Town Council can be downloaded by clicking on the panel to the right.

Please let us (The Town Council) know your views on the proposal via the 'Comments' below.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Wesham and Surrounding Road improvements continue......

With thanks for her continual diligent work at Lancashire County Council, Wesham Forum has been notified by County Councillor Liz Oades of the following special maintenance schemes that are to be carried out in 2009/10.

The area comprises Kirkham, Wesham, Newton, Clifton, Treales, Roseacre, Wharles and Salwick:-
Poulton Street, Kirkham, part footway, part carriageway resurfacing.
Church Road, Treales, Kirkham Road Treales to M55 Bridge, surface dressing.
Carr Lane, Kirkham, Dowbridge, Kirkham to Moorside, Treales, carriageway inlay.
Clifton Lane, Clifton, Preston Old Road to Church Lane, Carriageway.
Local Safety Scheme; A583 Kirkham Bypass/Freckleton Street junction, traffic signal modifications and improved signs.

Schemes earmarked for 2010/11.
Blackpool Road, Newton, Savick Brook to Three Nooks, Carriageway inlay.
Junction A583/A584 Clifton, Carriageway Inlay.
Preston Street, Kirkham, Carriageway inlay.
B5192, Station Road, Wesham, Railway Bridge to Garstang Road North.
Moorside, Treales, Mowbreck Lane, Treales to M55 bridge, patching and surface dressing.
Kirkham Road, Treales, Moorside to Church Road, Carriageway inlay.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

North West in Bloom Wesham Judging

On Tuesday 21st July, Wesham was visited by the Judges of the North West in Bloom organisation. They were escorted through Wesham by the Chairman of Wesham Community Pride Trust, Cllr Alan Clayton and Secretary John Westmoreland.
At the start of the tour each Judge was given a 'Handbook' indicating the work that has been put in by the group throughout the year. The Handbook can be viewed by clicking here.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Medlar-with-Wesham's Civic Sunday

Medlar-with-Weshams newly installed Mayor, Cllr Linda Nulty attended Civic Sunday at Christ Church Wesham on Sunday 21st June. The Mayor, escorted by her Consort, Mr Richard Nulty was accompanied by Town Council members, the Mayor and Mayoress of Kirkham, LCC Cllr Liz Oades and civic dignitaries, together with the Rose Queens of St Joseph's and Christ Church. Representatives from the Scouts, Guides, Brownies and Beavers formed a guard of honour at the Church entrance together with many members of the public. The service was officiated by Rev Alan Leeson.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Wesham Operation Cleansweep

The Wesham Operation Cleansweep Team .........

Willing volunteers turned out on Sunday morning for the 'Operation Cleansweep' event. The morning was a great success with many bags of litter being filled leaving Wesham looking spick and span. The team consisted of Police and Fire service members, Wesham Community Pride Trust members and a special mention must be made to the young people who gave up their Sunday morning to help. Our thanks also to Bryan Ward at Fylde Borough Council who arranged for the tools to fulfil the tasks.
We also took part in the 'Big Tidy Up' The web site can be viewed by clicking here

Friday, June 5, 2009

Lancashire County Council Election Result

Fylde East Independant County Councillor Liz Oades has retained her seat at Lancashire County Council defeating Conservative Candidate Simon Renwick and Labour Candidate Dennis Davenport.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Installation of Mayor of Medlar-with-Wesham 2009/10

The new Mayor for Medlar-with-Wesham was installed at the meeting held on 19th May. The outgoing Mayor, Cllr Michael Devaney handed over the chain of office to the new Mayor Cllr Linda Nulty. In proposing Cllr Nulty, Cllr Devaney added that he was certain that she would fulfil her duties in an exemplary way and reflected on the work she has done for the Town for very many years both at the Town Council and the Borough Council. The proposition was seconded by Cllr Geoff Dixon. Cllr Nulty paid tribute to the retiring Mayor and Mayoress, Mrs Caroline Devaney, adding that she felt that they had been excellent ambassadors for the Town during their year of office. Cllr Devaney was presented with a 'Past Mayors Badge'.
The Mayor then proposed Cllr Alan Clayton to be Deputy Mayor which was seconded by Cllr David Ogden.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Wesham Operation Cleansweep 2009

Wesham Community Pride Trust in partnership with Fylde Borough Council and our local Police Officers are planning our annual Operation Cleansweep. For details see also 'The big Tidy Up' campaign. (Click here for details)

Please come along (to Wesham Community Centre) and help on Sunday June 7th at 10.00am !!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Mowbreck Lane Development Wesham Town Council Notice of Objection

Medlar-with-Wesham Town Council have prepared a document to Object to the proposed Planning Application for 264 houses on the land to the North of Mowbreck Lane, submitted by Metacre Ltd. The document, which can be viewed by clicking here, is currently being distributed to all Development Control Committee members and Officers in readiness for the planning meeting where the application will be accepted or rejected.

There is overwhelming objection from the residents to the proposal. In addition to the Town Council's submission, a further submission has been made by the Wesham Action Group, which can be viewed by clicking here.

WAG are also having an 'Bake a Cake' and Balloon Race event to raise funds for their campaign. The event will be at the 'Lane Ends' Wesham on Sunday May 24th at 3.00pm.
For details click here

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Wesham Bowling Green Now Open

For additional information also visit the Wesham Community Site Bowling Club Page click here

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Come and Join the Celebration March !



Friday, March 20, 2009

Mayor Elect Nomination 2009/10

At the recent Wesham Town Council meeting, held on Tuesday 17th March 2009, Cllr Mrs Linda Nulty was unanimously voted to be the Mayor of Medlar-with-Wesham for 2009/2010. Cllr Alan Clayton was elected as Deputy Mayor. The hand over from the current Mayor , Cllr Michael Devaney will be at the annual 'Mayoral Installation' meeting on May 19th.
The annual Parish Meeting for all Medlar-with-Wesham Residents will be at 7 pm on Tuesday April 21st followed by the normal Town Council meeting at 7.30pm.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

KIrkham Baths are Saved!

A message from Cllr Mrs Liz Oades on the Good News:-

"I should like to thank all those people who have ACTUALLY DONE ALL THE HARD WORK to ensure the future of Kirkham Baths. Thanks to the residents of Kirkham, Wesham and the rural Fylde for their support at all times. Tribute must be made to the members of the Rural Splash group, they are the real reason that the Baths have been saved, they have worked tirelessly since March last year to draw up a workable business plan, they have pioneered the way forward by approaching the Y.M.C.A. with a view to joint working and they have found the way to provide swimming at a much reduced price.

Thank you also to Clare Platt and John Cronin for their recent work in facilitating the deal and all the staff of Kirkham Baths for their hard work and loyalty.

We move forward to a hopefully successful future, we will continue to do all we can to continue to provide leisure services in the rural area and hopefully improve on our present services."

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Wesham Road resurfacing continues......

Lancashire County Councils, Fylde East Councillor, Liz Oades is delighted that more highways works are being carried out in Wesham. Following the recent re-surfacing of Garstang Rd South, the long awaited work on Garstang Road North is scheduled to be commenced on 6th March until 13th March. Some inconvenience is inevitable, with single carriageway operation and temporary traffic lights, but the end result will be well worth it.
Station Road is scheduled to be completed at the start of the new financial year.
Following excellent co-operation from Weshams’ Fylde Borough Councillor, Cllr Mrs Linda Nulty, and Wesham Town Council, many areas were previously identified that are now being completed. Since being elected over 3 years ago, Cllr Oades has worked with the LCC highway department to get a rolling programme of works carried out in her Ward and is pleased that more road/footway treatments are added each year, she believes that regular maintenance is essential to ensure that roads and pavements are kept in a good state of repair. Cllr Oades also commented that the County Council has added an extra £5.746 million in the 2008/09 year with a further £5.218 million allocated for the following two years.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Wesham Action Group Dedicated Web Site Launched

The WESHAM ACTION GROUP have now established a dedicated web site which can be viewed by clicking here

The WAG group are dedicated to fighting against the Metacre proposal for 264 dwellings to be built on the land to the north of Mowbreck Lane, Wesham.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Mowbreck Lane Action Group Formed

Following on from the previous post, a brief update on the situation on the Mowbreck Lane housing development application is as follows:-

The group of over 25 residents that volunteered at the public meeting (21st Jan 09) to form an action group, attended a meeting last night (5th February) at Wesham Community Centre.

The enthusiastic members discussed the next steps forward in working in parallel with the Town Council to register their objections to the Metacre proposal.

The group have adopted the name 'Wesham Action Group' and appointed a Chairman. Over the next few days the Wesham Forum will publicise the progress that is being made and provide links to a dedicated web site currently being organised and also to

If anyone would like further information please contact

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Medlar-with-Wesham Town Council hosted a further Public Meeting on Wednesday 21st January at Wesham Community Centre.
An independent observers viewpoint can be read by clicking here.
Wesham Mayor Cllr Michael Devaney welcomed over 150 residents to a packed hall to air their views. The Mayor introduced the Town Council and invited Wesham Cllr, Linda Nulty, also a FBC Development Control Committee member, to update the meeting. Cllr Nulty explained the current policies and procedures that would be examined by the DC committee when the final decision is taken by Fylde Borough Council. Cllr Alan Clayton outlined the steps that the Town Council had taken since being aware of the planning application submitted by Metacre Ltd. At two recent previous meetings, one arranged by the Town Council and one by Metacre Ltd, the message from residents has been a resounding “NO SUPPORT” for the development.The public were then invited to make their feelings known. Concern was expressed about many issues including; the category of land, currently grade 1-2 agricultural; drainage; the impact on the biological heritage site; safe access and egress to the site etc. There was no support expressed by any person.
A resident stated “a lot of very useful and important points were raised. One was to stress the importance of actually writing to the FBC Development Control Committee”. A full list of address details can also be viewed on the Town Council Notice Board (at the old fire station) and on the Community Centre Notice Board.
It was stressed the content of these correspondences should be strictly factual based on the current planning policies as outlined by Cllr Nulty . Emotive pleas are often disregarded if there are no actual policy related points included.
The meeting concluded by inviting ‘volunteers’ to form a separate group to investigate in more depth the support that may be given from bodies such as The National Trust; Environmental Services; Wildlife Trusts and bird Clubs etc. Some 24 people came forward!
The Town Council will, at the meeting to be held on Tuesday 27th January, be discussing their submission to Fylde Borough Council Development Control Committee, and also following up the formation of an additional group from the volunteers.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Christ Church Wesham welcome everyone to the BINGO evenings every WEDNESDAY in the school hall. Eyes down at 8pm.
Tea and biscuits served halfway together with a raffle.

For further information contact Gwyneth Roberts on 01772 685512


Sunday, January 11, 2009

Planning Application Mowbreck Lane further Public Meeting

After the recent exhibition given by Metacre Ltd of the proposed housing development on the land to the north of Mowbreck Lane, Cllr Linda Nulty has arranged with Medlar with Wesham Town Council for a further Public Meeting, to ensure that the Public are made aware of current planning policies and procedures. Leaflets will soon be being distributed throughout the Town, the contents of which are replicated below.

The Planning Application has now been submitted to Fylde Borough Council and can be viewed by clicking here.

Medlar-with-Wesham Town Council

You are invited to attend a follow up Public Meeting and Consultation event concerning the proposed development on the land north of Mowbreck Lane.


Since the Town Council were made aware of the proposal, a public meeting was organised and held on November 27th 2008. On January 9th, 2009 an exhibition was organised by Metacre Ltd.

The purpose of this next Public Meeting will be to hear your reactions to the plans now that more information is available, to then consider the next steps and start to formulate responses to the Fylde Borough Council Development Control Committee.

The meeting will also provide an opportunity to discuss the planning procedures and the way that residents can ensure that their views are directed to the decision makers at Fylde Borough Council.


Friday, January 9, 2009

Medlar-with-Wesham Over 60's Party 2009

The Annual Christmas Party for Medlar-with- Wesham Senior Citizens will be held on TUESDAY JANUARY 20th at Wesham Community Centre commencing at 6pm.

The Chairman, Cllr Mrs Linda Nulty, and the committee wish to invite any Medlar with Wesham resident aged 60 years and over to attend. You will be very welcome. For further information contact 683929 or 683712

Sunday, January 4, 2009

New Housing Proposals Mowbreck Lane

Following on from previous postings concerning the potential revised planning application by Metacre Ltd, representatives are holding a presentation event at Wesham Community Centre on Friday 9th January between 4pm and 7pm.

The Town Council via any Wesham Councillor would be pleased to hear your views either before or after Friday's presentation. Contact details can be found at or by leaving a comment here.