Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Plan for Fylde ~ Plan for the Future

Issues and Options Consultation

Starts 7th June - Ends 19th July 2012

The Council is producing a document called the Local Plan to guide development in the Borough to 2030. A series of information sessions are planned across the Borough between 11th June and 22nd June.
Click here for the full details of dates and locations.

Click here for full picture
The Borough are keen to seek your views on the issues and options for planning Fylde's future. You are invited to go to a community engagement event listed on the attached poster (full view by clicking on the link) or by visiting libraries across the Fylde or go online to find out further information and comment.

Medlar with Wesham event is on FRIDAY 15th JUNE at Wesham Community Centre Car Park  10.00am to 12 noon

Further information  01253 658418 or visit